Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i wouldn't give up until that day

''why u didn't want to give already know that you two can't be together...''

I said''it not the right time yet...I just waiting for miracle to depends on who to start the move and I won't give up''

I know from the beginning...
start from very seconds I love him...
I know we not meant to be together...
It call faith...
but I want to try to break the rules...
If I don't try...
how I would know...
and I was waiting miracle to happen to...
it silly though...

I want to try to confess my love someday...
at least...I done one of my 'to do-list'
I don't want it to be accept by forcefully...
I just want to tell him every thing...
I want he know how I feel...
even I will be rejected...
I'll take and we can became friends again...

but...if I been accepted...
no...I think it wouldn't be...
I'm just not perfect for him...
it my scene...
but...deep in side...
I would be glad if he do...
from his bottom of his heart..
and no regret...

so...I waiting for future...I won't give up...
not yet...not now...
because...I know that day will happen...
when a miracle pass...

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