Sunday, September 5, 2010

big apology for U

everday at FACEBOOK...
we chat...even he don't know me very well...
but it feels like we had been friends for ages...
he is easy to be friends with...

many topic we talk...
my mouth accident say words that hurt him...
I can't control it...

I give him my blog address...
he give me his(although I known it already because I stalk him...but I act nothing)
SORRY for that too...

I said some-not-very-pleasent-words-to-hear
because I want to act like you guys..
to became more cooler...but I know I don't want to...
SORRY!!!because I hide it from you...

I lied to you...SORRY for that too...

I done many not-good things to you
because I want you...need you and love you...
I'm telling white lie...
and now...I regret...because I feel like I'm totally selfish...

and sorry because I didn't give you my real blog address...
It better for you don't know I LOVE U...

~sorry again~

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