Monday, June 7, 2010


The things which I had in my words could, painful it is to be left behind..seeking for lights..

for the future of time Do you wish to see,the future,so badly..

It's no use,'cause when you left me,the whole world turned out to be..

The one with mistery,the one with unjustified things..the one which missed you in every path of it's life..

But now it's just too late couse..I've totally changed..

Do you think would you still wish to be in the future....get out of my sight..couse your the one To make me fight,living through this life is just not enough...

I gotta throw you out like you are desereved to realise the mistery I've been holding onto my is you who's each and every whispers come along in the nights..

can't sleep as I cry till I shed a river full of tears,as my eyes wonder around,to atleast find a fake shadow of yours, just to calm itself from all it has done..

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