Wednesday, June 16, 2010

AlOnE ~~that my feelin''

It is the first...and it will be the last...


watching the time pass with tears...

watching the laughter of friends...

but nothing watching me...

that I'm lonely in the corner...feeling missed...

feeling very despressed...

I know I'm been more care...

but I tell myself that its not true...

am I lying to myself ?

I hope not...

A happy me in my friends eyes...

but deep inside...

A person who always hide her feeling...hide her tears...

easy to be hurt...but didn't tell anyone...

That the true me...

the one that always day-dreaming...


and I want to change...

even if I life still

so until leave alone behind...

leave a pain of heart...

the step I will begun...

with happiness of a new life bloom...

that a life I going to archieve...

and I will not lose it...


the first and the last time...

that will be my memories in my life...

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