Thursday, May 6, 2010

^^ classmates...

my classmates...
they got many''bright question''(好奇心)
they ask sci.teacher many things...
so symphatize for her...
if a teacher teach us...i think the teacher will go mad...

teacher:(physic)the unit for this speed is ms negative 1
classmates1: why need to put negative 1?can't put negative 2 meh?
classmates2: and why it is ms...
teacher: i'm already say at the last class...because...(blah...blah)
classmates1: but...i don't like it...can't put negative 2 meh...
teacher: (blah...blah)
classmates3: more confuse...
teacher: easy...speed unit is ms...when we calculate must put negative 1,base on the zero too...
classmates4: teacher...teacher...why is the speed previx is v and equal to s n t...didn't u say it ms???
teacher:ms is the unit...
teacher3: didn't you say it ms negative 1?
teacher: that is the claculate...
classmates4: teacher can we put m/s negative 1?
teacher: can't...because(blah...blah)
classmates3: teacher...
classmates1: teacher...
classmates2: teacher...
classmates5: became more confuse now...
teacher: it just a unit...
-80 mins pass and we just learn about...unit-


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