Monday, May 31, 2010

the sadness path (T^T)

This lonely road is becoming my new home
I do my best to reach the end and find my light
The path is blurred by my own heart
Help me find my way back
Back from this lonely road


Saturday, May 22, 2010

I luv him!!!!

I luv him...
I really really luv...HIM...
kyaahhh---...I'm crazy about him!!!
??? you don't know who is him???
hehehe....simple...he plays piano...very...very...talents....^^
he plays the bestest songs I ever heard....^^
he cool and gentleman......and sweet...-''-
YIRUMA......I luv you...
by your no.1 fan....!!!!!!!!!!!!!-''-

Monday, May 17, 2010

thAnk yOU mUm...

thAnk yOU,mOm,fOr bEIng thErE...
whEn I nEEdEd yOU mOst...

thAnk yOU fOr bElIEvIng In mE...

yOU ArE thE OnE pErsOn I cOUld trUst...

And nO mAttEr whAt hAppEns

yOU ArE AlwAys thErE fOr mE...

thAnk yOU fOr bEing yOU

A mOm whO lOvEs

A mOm whO shArEs

A mOm whO InspIrEs

A mOm I'm prOud tO clAIm mInE...


I lOvE yOU...

On this mOthEr dAy...

And EvEry OthEr dAys

nOw...And fOrEvEr...

miss alot

miss the memories at Sipitang...
miss the attendance of my clubs...
miss my old friends and family...
miss all the things that leave behind...

but everyone got a life...
everyone got a dream...
that they need to achieve...
to became a successful one...

as for me...
my new life happen in here...
the school that I always dream...
has begun right here...

the sweet memories came...
when I move to here...
more walls to break...
to reach the goal of success...

my friends and the teacher...
I love as much as I can say...
every time I saw them...
it remember me in the past...

so where and when I would be...
they always in my heart...
protected them from hurting...
and hugs will filled around...

I love my new and old friends...
like I always done...
to attempt the success of...
friends,myself and everything....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

''thE lIght Of my lIfE''

This poems I founded in my ''secret diary''
It was when the feeling happen...
With all my might,the poems is finished

In the darkness,
I found your light.
When all was hopeless,
your beauty shown bright.

When I thought that I
could love no more.
You touched my heart,
to the very core.

You made me smile,
when I could only frown.
You picked me up
when I was down.

When all was lost
you gave me life.
You brought me joy
instead of strife.

Now i think of you
every day and night.
you came into my life
and made everything right.

i smile when we're together
and when we are apart.
the presence of your beauty
stops my every heart.

i hope as time goes on
you will see how i feel.
and i hope that you will see
that these feelings are for real.

I love you truly,
I love you wholly.
I love you completely,
I love you solely



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Attitude Defines Life -''-

Life is Best for those who want to Live it,
Life is Difficult for those who want to Analyze it,
Life is worst
for those who want to Criticize it,
Our Attitude Defines Life ...

Enjoy Your Life,
Laugh so Hard That even Sorrow Smiles at You,
Live Life so Well That even Death Loves to see you Alive,
Fight so Hard That even Fate accepts its Defeat ...

Our Attitude Defines Life

Life is BEST for those who want to...^^

~the secret of F.R.I.E.N.D^^

A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths;
Feels your fears but fortifies your faith;
Sees your anxieties but frees your spirit;
Recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities."...

~a feeling that I can't share~

I wasn't supposed to love you,
you are just my friend.
So why do I have these feelings,
I just want them to end.

You do not feel the same way,
I know this for a fact.
But what am I supposed to do,
when these feelings keep coming back.

They will not go away,
no matter how hard I try.
But I simply cannot tell you,
I would rather break down and cry.

So I am stuck with this pointless crush,
this is so unfair.
But I can't able to tell you,
because your reaction I cannot bear.

No one knows how I feel for you,
and I hope to keep it this way.
Because I think if you found out,
you would just turn around and walk away.

~ everyday we awaken with another chance at llife .. sometimes we forget how lucky we are and we often forget to appreciate the little things around us, that mean so much ..
~here's a wordsss i wish to share with all of you .. thank you for being a part of dis wonderful friendship ..

too often we don't realise that we have until it is gone ..

too often we wait too late to say
"i'm sorry~ i was wrong " ..

sometimes it seems we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts ..
and we allow foolish things to tear and lives apart ..
For too many times we let unimportant things into our minds, and then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind ..
So be sure that you let people know, how much they mean to you ..

Take that time to say the words before you time is through ..
Be sure tat you appreciate everything u've got ..
And be thankful for the little things in life that mean a lot ....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my frenzz at STTSS scul^^

hi...this post is to introduce you to my best freinds^^


Thursday, May 6, 2010

^^ classmates...

my classmates...
they got many''bright question''(好奇心)
they ask sci.teacher many things...
so symphatize for her...
if a teacher teach us...i think the teacher will go mad...

teacher:(physic)the unit for this speed is ms negative 1
classmates1: why need to put negative 1?can't put negative 2 meh?
classmates2: and why it is ms...
teacher: i'm already say at the last class...because...(blah...blah)
classmates1: but...i don't like it...can't put negative 2 meh...
teacher: (blah...blah)
classmates3: more confuse...
teacher: easy...speed unit is ms...when we calculate must put negative 1,base on the zero too...
classmates4: teacher...teacher...why is the speed previx is v and equal to s n t...didn't u say it ms???
teacher:ms is the unit...
teacher3: didn't you say it ms negative 1?
teacher: that is the claculate...
classmates4: teacher can we put m/s negative 1?
teacher: can't...because(blah...blah)
classmates3: teacher...
classmates1: teacher...
classmates2: teacher...
classmates5: became more confuse now...
teacher: it just a unit...
-80 mins pass and we just learn about...unit-
