Thursday, April 15, 2010

~charotte n' her life^^

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane,
I would walk right up to heaven
To bring you home again.
No farewell words were spoken.
No time to say good-bye.
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why.
My heart still aches in sadness
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.

I am at a loss of words to describe the death of my dearest friend. Many will remember her as a friendly and concerned individual. I remember her as someone who lived up to the standards that God demands from us all.

Her death reminds me that life is short and that only those are remembered who have lived it to the fullest and given back a lot in return. Sure she is not around me but every time I will meet someone as positive and motivated as her, I will recall her name with fondness.

Her physical presence has been taken away from me. But I believe that her memories will suffice. My relationship with her is like that of a sister. Born with a physical connection through the umbilical cord, which still lives on even after being severed. That bond is everlasting and ever nourishing.

I simply wish that if she were to be born again on this beautiful planet,may she live the same life that she did and leave many more like be blessed and touched
by what she brought with her.

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