Monday, December 27, 2010

merry christmas

oh well...
since my parents busy...
I guess its fine if I didn't get any from them...
I little bit disappoint too...
and a little bit jealous at my friends...
so I think I gonna buy for myself a present...

by the way
happy belated merry Christmas...
i think...=)
and happy new year

Thursday, December 23, 2010

let go of you

It better to move on and let go...
It just waste of time standing at there...
you knows he never look back...
but,he just go away...

since he is in a relationship...
you just stands there and watch them...
and wishing them to be happy together...
with a stone deeply in your heart...

after realize that you can't stuck in here for long...
you move one step backward...
sooner or later you will have 'nothing'
and that time It full of pains

and now,you watching the couple with a smile...
wishing them''be happy together''...
with a energetic voice that come from your heart...
and a pleasure

you leave a piece of love in your heart...
to let it be your memorize forever...
to keep watching the boy...
but never fall in love with him...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my feeling

I want to quit this game
but I can't
It hurt when thinks about the past
and all the miracle happen
I don't want the love to end
because I afraid to forget you
but I do want to end
because I have nothing to wait for
I confuse and hurt

If could...
I wish I didn't even born...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

holiday kindda boring=/

nothing to do in the holiday...
just stay in my room...
and do other
typing blog
clean my room everyday
do exercise
meet my friends
go hang out(my money T^T)
day dreaming
watching TV
and fighting with my brothers
lastly,the most important one is
jumping on the bad like maniac...
that my everyday routine...