Tuesday, July 20, 2010

she has gone!!!

SHE HAD GONE!!! !!!!!! FOREVER !!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


finally bazaar over...
so tired...plus tired...
sorry...didnt post since 2 weeks...
my broadband...hmm...'died'
by *****...

don't say that thing...skip that topic
anyway...bazaar...is OK...
buy rm20 at our stall...and
rm?? for eat...

I didn't do my job at 1-4p.m.
cause our stall close early...

bad MOOD...this day...
so many bad things happen...
my all pics at computer...delete...
my all pics at camera...format...
my laptop haven't 'warenty' yet...
my B.band is 'died'

and most IMPORTANT...my check for pay the school fees...
is MISSING !!!!!
yesterday...find it...like 5 times already...
gone mad and start to throwing things around...

afraid of me...went queitly...
then ask SHARON to come to UR WAY to
drinks cool(even it raining...)

then...my cold mood gone already...
and came to school like nothing happen...
TODAY...still want to find that check...

need to going angry again...